Monday, October 30, 2006


I am happy.

There are days when things don't go the way you want them to go. There are days when you feel like things are going down hill. There are days when the most beautiful days in the world seem like rainy days. But then, there are days when the simplest things make you smile. They say one good deed can conquer many sins. I believe that one simple smile can conquer many days of tears.

I recently got back from a trip to California. We celebrated my sister's 30th birthday. I enjoyed the trip. We stayed at a wonderful hotel. Had an amazing host to take us here and there. Got the chance to play paintball for the first time. Got hit twice in the face with paint for the first time (once by my sister). Attended a halloween costume charity ball. Met up with friends and also made new friends.

Batman picked me up from the airport. I was tired. Exhausted. Fatigue. The flight was overall ok. There were kids on the flight screaming like theres no tomorrow. It took forever to get my bag. Batman had to drive around in circles for about 30 minutes. It was blah.

What made me smile?! I came home. I took a quick look at my car. About two weeks ago, my car got flooded. It stinks! I had to drive back and forth to school for about 2 weeks with the car smelling like ass because I wanted it to air dry. Well when I got home. I noticed that my car was extra white. Its usually a light shade of gray. Then as I was walking towards the condo, I turned around to take one last look. Then I noticed that my tires were shiny. MY TIRES ARE NEVER SHINY. Batman got my car washed and detailed. He also filled my gas tank. He took care of my car. I was quite surprised. It made me smile.

Can you imagine the feeling of discovering gold?! Well thats how I feEL.



Blogger drifter1dc said...

Why haven't you posted lately? I know I'm the very drfinition of a Procrastinator but come on!

5:25 AM  

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