Tuesday, May 30, 2006


"walk the world like you own it, and no one will tell you no."

Monday, May 29, 2006





Wednesday, May 24, 2006


“…You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day…”

BAD DAY by: Daniel Powter


So I had a prescreening interview today with United Airlines. And of course, that did not go as planned. I didn’t make it to the interview for many many reasons. I couldn’t find parking…I couldn’t find the building…and to top it off…it started to rain. And it wasn’t like, drops here and there, it was pouring!! It was around 2:20PM when I was still driving around looking for parking. I was already late. The rain didn’t seem to want to stop.

I should’ve seen it coming. I felt like it was a bad omen or something. Ok…! When I went pick up my niece from school this morning…I saw two police cars. I then showed up late to pick her up. When dropping her off at grandma’s, I reversed and almost hit a car. I dropped by Dunken Donuts to pick up some coffee and breakfast. As the cashier was giving my change back, a dollar flew out my hand and went away. On my way to Chicago, a bird almost ran into my windshield; I had to slam on my breaks. Totally freaked me out. [it was a black bird by the way] When I got to downtown Chicago, I didn’t realize that you had to drive extremely reckless. Apparently, yielding for pedestrians wasn’t a good thing anymore, so I kept getting HONKED at. Then as I was making a right turn, a car was pulling out of a parking and nearly hit me. It was definitely a great way to make sure my seatbelt works. SO YAH!! I got there 35 minutes early and still didn’t make it to the interview. It started to pour, so I figured, what’s the points?! If I did make it to the interview, I would’ve showed up wet. I tried calling the office, but all I got was an answering machine. So after 45 minutes of searching for parking and going insane, I decided to give up. Showing up late for an interview is pretty much not showing up at all. And showing up in a wet white top was probably not the impression I wanted to make. So I headed home.

Heading home was another story. I missed almost every exit I was suppose to take. So I make a million U Turns. Took me 1 ½ hours to get home. Talk about being a loser.
So yea…I think someone up there didn’t want me to go to this interview. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME :T


gotta love 'em :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Can friendship surpass rejection?!

One disappointment in my life is the numbers of friends I have lost in the past. Friendships that have gone down the drain over something little as rejection.
Its somehow easier for me to make guy friends then chick friends. I’m not sure what it is; maybe because I grew up somewhat of a tomboy; maybe I have more things in common with a guy, or just maybe I have more chemistry with them. Whatever the case may be, my thoughts of having guy friends is slowly moving towards it being negative.
About 6 years ago, I lost my first best friend. Of course, he was a guy. To other people, he may seem rude. Really outspoken and disrespectful. But to me, he was a hero. I owe this guy a lot. He helped me through my very first heartbreak. He saw me at a party one night crying in the hallway. The only thing he asked me was, “are you ok?” Of course I said that I was fine, then he went back to what he was doing. He then recognized me at a different event, and from that moment on, we became the best of friends. We talked every night about problems, mainly mines. About my feelings from the breakup, about things I should let go, about things I should learn. I think if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have the strength I have today. He felt like a brother to me. Someone who protected me in every way possible. He encouraged me to step out of the shadow and let me be me. I smile just thinking about him today.
So where did it go wrong?! Well one day, he out of the blue asked me, “when are we gonna hook up?!” I of course took it as a joke, because why ?! I’ve known this guy for almost 2 years and suddenly he wants to “hook up”? Of course, constant questioning and rejection led to distance. I never heard from him again. Can you imagine losing the closest friend over something so stupid as rejection?! Can’t a friendship outlast rejection?!
I saw him again, two years later, before I moved to San Diego. I had to say goodbye. Like I said, I owe him. We hung out for a day, and some things, I suppose, never change. He was still hitting on me. A lot more aggressive this time. I suppose because we were all grown up. I finally had to ask him why?! Why the sudden admiration. He told me many many things that I don’t even think are half true. But of course, I had to say NO. How can I feel for someone I once thought of as a brother?! I just didn’t see him in that way. And that was the end of that…..never heard from him since…probably never will….
I am not even going to count how many guys after that…I have lost. The number is a bit depressing. Not sure if I should feel flattered or disgusted. I am afraid that I’m in the verge of losing another. A friend that made his feelings for me pretty clear today.

How do you turn someone down without hurting them?! Is it not possible to have opposite sex friends?! When a person get rejected, do they not care about the other person’s feelings as well?! Is the person getting rejected always the victim?!

Monday, May 22, 2006



edited: by meeh

Friday, May 19, 2006


I will always be a sucker for love. When all has failed, when hearts are broken, can one still truly cheer for love?! Do you find sometimes, that even the coldest-hearted person will fall at the knees of love?

I believed, or rather told myself, that after my last breakup, I would treat love as coldest as I can. Maybe that hasn’t seem successful, but I have surely tried. I can honestly say that since then, I have never really looked at another guy with the same passion that I once before. Surely, I have pretty fond sights of a guy here or there, but none that I’ve seen with fire. I simply just tell myself that I’ve basically gone cold. Cold to the point where everything and everyone I see is grey.

When you find yourself looking out to nature and daydreaming of things that once made you happy, yet can’t be able to smile is a bit disturbing. When smiles don’t seem to portray truth is upsetting. When you can’t seem to find answers to the simplest questions is perhaps the worse.

If the life of love is so complicated and stressful, why do we tend to always welcome it?! I suppose in the long run, I’m still in some way, fighting for love. I find myself still crying over silly love stories and movies. I’m still a true believer of love and happy endings. Even if I may never be blessed with a happy ending, I will forever more still be a cheerleader of it. I adore it.

“Pride and Prejudice”, highly recommended. This is the movie that got me all thinking. Its one of those movies where you can actually feel what the character is feeling- the pain, the sorrow, the passion. If you just sit back and enjoy a “Pride and Prejudice” masterpiece, you will know what I’m talking about. “Your true feelings are expressed in tears.”

"If your feelings are still what they were last April..tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed...but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed...I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul..and I love..I love..I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

- Mr. Darcy to Lizzie [Pride and Prejudice]

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


flight attendant

A person who assists passengers in an aircraft.


Have you ever watched that movie, View From the Top?! It happened to be one of my all time favorites. After watching that movie, it gave me the urge to be a flight attendant. I know I know, its not as fun or glamourous as the movie, but its still an interesting career. (Always meeting new people and seeing different places) I just never really got into it because, I dunno, laziness kicked in?!

I've always been the girl that can't sit still. I'm always going somewhere or moving to different places. For those who know me, I've moved more in the last 2 years then I've ever moved in my entire life. I like to travel, experience new places. Although being a flight attendant can be a bit risky, the spontanous lifestyle it possesses is quite exciting (well to me that is).

I recently got confirmed for a prescreening interview for United Airlines. Its only a prescreening interview, so its nothing really big. If everything goes well, I will then go onto training for 7 weeks (phase I). I've done some minor research about the company; still many question I would have to ask them as for as security and such. I'm honestly not getting my hopes up because its not the only thing I want to do with my life. I'm acutally somewhat happy with where I am (whatever that means) :)

psst!! wish me luck ?!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


There's a first for everything. Our lawn, compared to the neighbors', looked horrible. I was beginning to think that our neighbors are giving us dirty looks because we haven't cut our grass in like 3 weeks. So yesterday, I got bored and started to mow the front lawn. I gotta say, it was something I NEVER attempted before. Had a little trouble at first getting the damn thing to start, but eventually it gave in. So there I go. Mowed one side then the other. One of our neighbors actually came outside and looked at me for about 10 minutes. He was probably in shock. I eventually got tired..and stopped for the day.
Today, I mowed the backyard. Its a bigger piece of land then the front. I got tired really quick.That sucker turned off on me like 3 times. Had to get the boys to help me. As I was mowing the lawn, I thought to myself, "wow..who would've seen the day when Kristi was seen doing yard work. " I dont think I ever, in my 23 years of life, ever mowed the lawn. SHOCKING !
eh..I suppose there's a first for everything. It was quite a workout :)
I'm actually quite proud of it. LOOK AT ME...GROWING UP <<< HA !

Monday, May 15, 2006


part two of my gift from my sister and chris. He has no name yet. any suggestions?!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


CASIO presents the Exilim EX-Z60


pSst!!! Yall casio exilim owners needa help me learn how to work it :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006


The Great Tradition of Beignets and Café au Lait

In 1782 Spanish colonists established the trading area on the banks of the Mississippi River that we now know as the New Orleans French Market. From the beginning this market housed coffee stands. Coffee vendors were the elite of the merchants but got along well with the ethnic and social mix of customers who drank coffee throughout the business day. By the early 1800's, the custom of taking coffee at the French Market had spread throughout New Orleans society. The French Market's corner coffee stand opened in the 1830's and continues to operate today in the same location. From its inception, this coffee stand served up the typical strong coffee of the day and its soon to be famous beignets.

It is believed that the Ursuline Nuns of France, who came to Louisiana in 1727, brought this simple pastry to New Orleans. The recipe remains the same to this day. The beignets are hand rolled and deep fried then covered with heaping amounts of powdered sugar. By the mid 1800's beignets had become a welcome treat for all social classes at all hours of the day.

As is still the tradition, beignets were most often enjoyed with café au lait. In New Orleans, café au lait is strong dark roast coffee and chicory, served with equal part hot milk. In the early history of Louisiana, chicory was added to coffee to stretch dwindling supplies. It was found that, in addition to stretching supplies, the chicory also created a smoother, richer brew. The addition of hot milk to strong coffee and chicory created one of the oldest and greatest coffee traditions in the world.

Today New Orleans' locals refer to beignets simply as doughnuts. When you hear a native talking about "going for doughnuts and coffee," he or she is not referring to a trip to Krispy Kreme, but to a tradition unique to the Crescent City.

As this tradition approaches its 200th year, beignets and café au lait have become symbolic of the old world charm of New Orleans and the French Quarter.

courtesy: Crescent City Beignets

I surely do miss the beignets and café au lait at Cafe Du Monde. Its located in the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans. If you ever get a chance to visit the Big Easy, be sure to stop and try out the famous french donuts. ITS TRADITION!

I made these myself :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Isn’t it weird how love works? How mysterious it can be. When it comes to love, what are the rules?
I’m basing this particular thought on the movie, “The Family Stone”. Everett brings Meredith home to meet his family, The Stones. And of course, Meredith finds herself in a hard position so she asks her sister, Julie, to join. As Everett and his brother, Thad, picks Julie up from the airport, he found himself mesmerized by the sight of Julie. Love at first sight?! He spent one evening with Julie; walking the streets and conversating while looking for Meredith. [Where and why was Meredith missing?! It no longer matters. She’s in good hand.] Everett somehow found himself with unbelievable attraction to Julie. Like everything in the world just stopped; like everything he wanted in a woman was right in front of his eyes; that the world has finally placed his soul mate in his reach. Whatever he felt for Julie in one night was far more then what he felt with Meredith in a year. Is it wrong that he feels this way about his girlfriend’s sister? When it comes to love, who makes the rules?!
If you found yourself in the same position, what would you do? Would you follow your heart or morals?! Love is such a complex thing that I will never seem to understand. Maybe its not anyone’s position to understand. Its Love.
In my opinion, Love breaks all rules. Love is so hard to find, yet so easy to lose. One moment of heartbreak can lead to years of insanity. So why risk it?! Because you and I both know its worth it. Even if it lasts a day or 10 years, every second of being in love is a second you will never forget. “Love is a mistake that’s worth making”. Am I right?!

..there’s more to this movie then this love story. Its highly recommended J

Monday, May 08, 2006


I got my dress today. My cousins chose the dress, which is a mint color. I really don't wear mint color, but its for the wedding and for my cousin. So therefore, I would wear anything :)

PSST!! my mom thinks I'm chubby :T

Sunday, May 07, 2006




Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I <3 NEW YORK [part 1]

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