Thursday, June 29, 2006


once again...THANK YOU. perfect flowers to brighten up a day :)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

. . . . .

its not that I dont wanna blog...I just can't find the words :T

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


congratz to judy and anthony

thanks nUmberTwo for coming :)

Monday, June 05, 2006





Sunday, June 04, 2006

0 6 0 4

only one way to describe this date. MEMORABLE.

I remember it was like yesterday…

I was 13 years old. The phone rang sometime in the evening. It was my step brother. I heard my mom scream, then my dad. Then in a flash, my parents and oldest sister rushed out the door. I believe my third sister went also. The only person left at home were my second sister and I. The only thing we knew that happened was my little sister [the one after me] had a heart attack. So we waited..and waited.
An hour later, the phone rang. My sister and I both picked up the phone, different phones that is. My third sister called, she said, “Mom said to lock the doors.” I asked her, “How’s Maria?!” She didn’t reply. She kept saying that Mom said lock the doors. I then yelled at her, demanding to know what’s going on. She then scream and cried, “Maria died.” My heart dropped.
Although my other sister was screaming hysterically, I heard nothing but silence. Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was my dad’s best friend. He came to pick us up. I remember looking at him with very curious eyes. I then asked him, “Tell me it isn’t true.” He then told me, “Of course not. She’s fine. She just needs blood and your dad told me to pick you girls up to see if your blood match hers.” I knew he was lying. He had to be. But of course, part of me was wishing he wasn’t. Wishing that somehow, it was all a mistake. That she really did need blood and I can come to the rescue.
Arrived at the hospital 5 minutes later. We rushed to the emergency room. As the curtains open. The first thing I saw was my dad. He was on his knees, kneeling next to my sister. He was holding her hand; whispering in her ears, telling her to wake up. It broke my heart. I don’t think at the moment, it sank it that my little sister had passed away. I just saw my dad at his lowest point. It felt weird. Seeing the big strong man that I fight with fall to his knees.
I remembered how she looked. Very very peaceful.
I felt angry. I felt cheated. I still do today. The hospital gave us little hand towels to clean our faces with. I tore them up like they were paper. I didn’t cry. I was just angry. Still, I don’t think it had hit me yet.
The following day, I had to go to school. I spent most of the day crying in the office. Word had passed around about the family death. I did nothing that day, but cry. I was getting out the bus, walking towards the house. I look up as I approach the door. There were two black flags hung up by the door. They were flags given by the church to inform the public of tragedy within the house. I stared at those flags for a good 5-6 minutes before I actually walked in.
We were having a little prayer session that evening at the house. I found a bag of clothes in the kitchen, so I opened it. It was Maria’s clothing. The clothes she wore the day she died. Then, it hit me. I grabbed the clothes, ran into my room, shut the doors, and cried. It felt endless.

Tears are forever endless. They just hide and come out on a rainy day.


[she would've been 17 years old]

Saturday, June 03, 2006


they really trashed the house. can ya tell?!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


We have the best parents...despite what everyone else say ha!! :)

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